Hello everyone. I just started this page and in the first day had over 30 subscribers. I'm very grateful to all of you. I think this blog goes out to all subscribers so I'll do what I can to not be a nuisance.
We're in the process of taking a break, collecting our thoughts (like herding cats) and then cleaning and reorganizing the store. This website is a way for us to be available to the small but very significant community of customers that rely on our store for some of their needs (local eggs, spices, bulk goods, wine, beer, cigarettes etc.). We're updating the lists on this site so you know what's available in the store. Please call to verify.
We will continue doing bread in the driveway on Saturdays as we have been for a couple of years now. And...I cook...I can't not cook. If I cook enough of something to sell I'll post it here.
I'm still waiting for my doorbell to arrive and I'm working on upgrading the phone for the store.
In the meantime, you can send a message with a question to this web page (that cute little envelope at the bottom) or you can call us at 520-432-3256. We're in the store most days by 11ish. If we're not here or can't come to the phone, we'll be back shortly.
Thank you all again for your interest and support.
Catchy fishnets are found in aquariums, boats and in high heels.