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Some Summer Sundries from Mimosa

Hello Everyone,

It's been quite a while since I sent out an update. I hope this finds you all well and in good spirits or that you, at least, have good spirits available.

This website has quite a few subscribers and this store has quite a few regular customers. Unfortunately, the email address rarely reflects the name of the subscriber. Please let me know who you are if you have a moment so I can match the subscribers to the customers. I would sincerely appreciate your comments (well... maybe). I think there's a space at the bottom of the blog post to leave a comment.

Being open by appointment is working very well for us while we keep trying to adapt to the ever changing array of challenges. Some people find it a nuisance while others love it and think of it as their private store (thank you all very much, that's exactly what it is!). This is how it works: Just give us a call 520-432-3256 or text me (Ralph) at 520-335-4064 (not good for phone calls; reception is bad up here and this phone tends to wander away from me so I may not see the text right away). We can tell you if we have what you're looking for and when we can be here for you to get it. We try to be here our usual old hours (Noon to 6 Tue-Sun) and if we're not, we won't be gone for long, and we live here. We also have a doorbell which is “fancy high tech” so it only works sometimes. We'll answer when we can.

I'm working on ways to do some of the things I used to do in the deli on a limited basis simply because I still cook to live and live to cook. Let me know what you miss (I probably miss it too). I find it very difficult to waste anything, so having the right amount of perishable things is a rather important consideration. The old school continental and family restaurants I grew up in had very little wasted foodstuffs. It helped that the clientele was more predictable then. Since the last update, for example, I had gotten a lively response about dividing up a sirloin and there were enough people interested that it's sold within the 2 day time frame I had so I'll probably do that again.

Most of the bulleted list from last time is still valid this time so I'll just put it here.

  • We still have local eggs when the hens are laying (most of the time).

  • I still tend over 100 culinary herbs and spices in bulk for you to fill your spice jars.

  • We still carry my homemade bulk sausages, ground Angus chuck, some seafood and Continental Sausage's Bratwurst products in our freezers.

  • Homemade Mustard, Ketchup, Tomato Sauce, Chicken and Beef Stocks.

  • We still have newspapers, wine, beer, candy, tobacco, and...ICE CREAM!

  • Fresh produce includes the basics; onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes, celery, tomatoes, parsley, cilantro, ginger, lemons, limes, apples, bananas, etc.

  • Bread in the Driveway” still every Saturday from 9AM to Noon.

  • There is occasionally bread left from “Bread in the Driveway” after we stop at Noon on Saturdays. Call the store to see what we may have.,

Again, thank you all for your cooperation and support. I wish everyone a peaceful summer and that you all stay cool, safe and especially... Stay Free!

1 Comment

Jul 20, 2022

Another excellent post! Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. Love your opening paragraph. Note: If you notice there haven't been comments, it's because this comments section had been hidden so I went into the site settings and now this comments section is available for all posts past and future. L

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